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Pietre Nere


Pietre Nere

10 August 2022 | 21.00
Teatro al Castello "Tito Gobbi",
Bassano del Grappa
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Prezzo: € 15.00/12.00


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Il nuovo progetto di Babilonia Teatri indaga il concetto di casa a partire da luoghi che, agli occhi della maggior parte delle persone, case non sono.


by Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi
with the artistic collaboration of Francesco Alberici
with Francesco Alberici, Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi and Orlando Castellani
technical direction Luca Scotton
production Babilonia Teatri e La Corte Ospitale
coproduction Operaestate Festival Veneto
with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Thanks to: Daniele Costa, Nadia Pillon, Elisa Pregnolato, Jonel Zanato, Annalisa Zegna, Stefano Masotti, Marco Pesce, Francesco Speri

The new project of Babilonia Teatri investigates the concept of home starting from places that, in the eyes of most people, are not homes. Nursing homes, family homes, prison, street, hospital, dormitories, shelters, for those who live there, they are home. From the encounter with the people who inhabit these places, from their knowledge, from living them as guests, originates Pietre Nere, the new show of Babilonia Teatri that invited five artists under 35 dedicated to different artistic languages, to the creation of an opera. Each of them was asked to choose one of the places of investigation, to return, on the basis of knowledge and encounter, an artistic work.
And from all these artistic contributions, a theater show is born made of voices, sounds, images, unpublished compositions and reflections. Languages that intersect, contradict each other and allow us to articulate a multifaceted reality, going to build a show that feeds on multiple looks, each able to bring a different sensitivity and mood. A creative strategy that allows us to deal here with the story of the concept of home in a broad, relaxed and unconventional sense, giving light to all the houses that often remain in the corner, as something that lives far away and with which you have no points of encounter and contact.