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Some Choreographies


Some Choreographies

18 August 2022 | 21.30
Teatro Remondini,
Bassano del Grappa
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Prezzo: € 5.00


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Some Choreographies stages a dialogue between the dancer Ramona Caia and a precious video collection of different styles of dance, edited and reworked.

concept, direction and videochoreography Jacopo Jenna
collaboration and dance Ramona Caia
collaboration and video Roberto Fassone
original sound Francesco Casciaro
light design Mattia Bagnoli
costume design Eva di Franco
organization Luisa Zuffo
production KLm – Kinkaleri
co production Centrale Fies
with the support of Azienda Speciale Palaexpo – Mattatoio | Progetto PrendersiCura

Some Choreographies stages a dialogue between the dancer Ramona Caia and a precious video collection of different styles of dance, edited and reworked. The choreography unfolds as a mimetic process, a multitude of fragments dug up from the history of dance and performance. The dancer embodies, transforms, connects and gives shape to the body portrayed in those images, while, in the second part, an original video by the artist Roberto Fassone shows a sequence of visual choreographies with no human traces and yet looking for a relationship with the body on stage.

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