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27 August 2024 | 18.30
Spazio Corona,
Bassano del Grappa
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Prezzo: unico € 8 - fuori abbonamento

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Lourdes is the story of a meeting, of several meetings. It is the story of those who have been and those who have never been to Lourdes

by and with Emilia Verginelli
and with Dario Costa
literary consultancy Sara De Simone
sound Francesca Cuttica
lights Camila Chiozza
bluemotion production
© Claudia Pajewski
thanks to Roberta Luciani, Viola lo Moro, Andrea Pizzalis, Naoures Rouissi, Filomena Fusco, Vincenzo Rilletti, Benedetto Patruno, Ubaldo, Gianni, Alessandro, Andrea Beghetto, Luisa Merloni, Elisa Alessandro, Elena Bastogi, Benedetta Boggio, Giorgina Pi, Lucia Calamaro,
translations by Brianda Carreras, Alexia Sarantopoulou, Elise Blotière, Tomasz Kireńczuk, Naoures Roussi, Neon Loriga, Yan Duyvendak
interpretation LIS Edgarda Samaritani
project supported by FONDO Network for emerging creativity developed by Santarcangelo Festival with AMAT, Centrale Fies, ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fabbrica Europa, I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora | Centro di Residenza Emilia- Romagna, Operaestate Festival Veneto / CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea, Ravenna Teatro, Teatro Pubblico Campano, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, TSU Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria, Triennale Milano Teatro
artistic meetings by FONDO Yan Duyvendak, Camille Louis, Ana Pi
among the winners of the Project CURA 2022 Elsinor Centro di Produzione Teatrale / Teatro Cantiere Florida (Florence) + Cross residence (Ameno, Verbania)
residences (2020-2023) India Theatre - Rome Theatre (Rome), fivizzano27 (Rome), KRAKK (Santarcangelo di Romagna), Ateliersì (Bologna), Spazio '500 ( Vigolo Vattaro) Angelo Mai (Rome), Centrale Fies (Dro), AMAT e Teatri di Pesaro (Pesaro), Teatro Nuovo (Naples), Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (San Vito dei Normanni)

with subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Greek, Arabic, Polish, Dutch
and accessible in LIS (Italian Sign Language)

Lourdes is the story of a meeting, of several meetings. It is the story of those who have been and those who have never been to Lourdes. Those who imagine it, who hate it, who would have wanted to go there and ask for a miracle. It is a conversation, a series of dialogues happened in time between the author and people, following an order that goes from narration to memory, from memory to a reflection and then remains in the present of the scenic representation.