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22 August 2024 | 16.30
CSC San Bonaventura,
Bassano del Grappa
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Prezzo: unico € 8


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Delivery è un progetto performativo del collettivo Elevator Bunker che nasce dal desiderio di indagare il tema della felicità intesa come stato d’animo di chi ritiene soddisfatti i propri desideri.

Invention Matteo Maffesanti
performer Mirko Tomezzoli, Jessica Pasetto, Dario Giacomini, Eddy Bosco, Irene Cordioli and Samuele Trentini
video Alessio Bertanza
artistic consultancy Chiara Ameglio
conversations Silvia Gribaudi
movement coach Martina La Ragione, Beatrice Bresolin and Francesca Albanese
music Davide Pachera
musical quotes Arvo Pärt
photo Anna Kushnirenko
Costumes Cooperativa sociale Insieme a r.l.
Light design Luca Serafini
Production Associazione culturale Zebra / Elevator Bunker
Coproduction Festival Danza in Rete-Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza
Supported by Logistica Uno Europe Srl
Administration Associazione culturale Zebra
Residencies Teatro Prova di Bergamo, CSC di Bassano del Grappa, Sementerie Artistiche di Crevalcore and La Corte Ospitale di Rubiera

Delivery is a performative project of the collective Elevator Bunker that stems from the desire to investigate the theme of happiness understood as the mood of those who consider their desires fulfilled. Happiness is in relationships, in the bonds we establish with others, with friends and family, in personal growth and in the free expression of our creativity. There is no better way to tell who we are than by revealing our most hidden happiness. In Delivery the performers go through a choreographic narration whose development is based on the sharing of motor sequences, individual or group improvisations and suspensions of the scenic flow. A game without fiction and without savings where the dancers transform their fragility into strengths. Understanding one’s own happiness, demanding it, desiring it, escaping reality and finally observing oneself through the gaze of the audience are aspects in continuous evolution that influence the performance scene and the relationship with the audience. What makes me happy? When can I be happy? How can I be happy? These questions are the starting points of an intimate and deep reflection that the performers go through revealing unexpected passions, desires and joys. Delivery is a spectacle of the need to be happy unconditionally, without fear of being judged or excluded. The performance is to be considered the continuation of the previous projects of the collective Elevator Bunker, which investigated the theme of identity and coexistence of differences.

Elevator Bunker collective was born in 2008 from an idea of Matteo Maffesanti and Davide Pachera as an active response to the desire for artistic research in the field of intellectual disability. The many years of experience gained by both in the social field leads them to activate a path that, through the performing arts and body language, can become an opportunity for growth and inclusion. The fundamental objective of the project is to create an open and accessible environment in which to express their creativity, considering individual characteristics not as a limit but as an important resource in artistic creation. Since 2017 Elevator Bunker has been active in numerous international projects of social inclusion promoted by the CSC of Bassano del Grappa and is a member of Europe Beyond Access Italia, network aimed at questioning and discussing the issues of accessibility and inclusion in the performing arts to generate awareness, spread knowledge and experience of good practices, encourage greater participation and leadership of artists and cultural workers with disabilities. In 2023 the company was selected for the project Boarding Pass, Performing No Limit supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture and creates the performance Delivery, a production Zebra Cultural Zoo in co production with Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Vicenza and the support of Operaestate Festival Veneto and La Corte Ospitale.

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